How a Physical Exam Can Improve Your Health

Physical Exam Pembroke Pines, FL

There is no need to worry if you have put off or skipped your annual physical exam. You are not alone. This is a common appointment for people to let slip, especially if they do not feel sick. However, skipping routine physical exams could mean missed opportunities to improve and protect your health. For one, you could be missing the opportunity to recognize health problems earlier when they are easier to treat. We will explore in detail why a routine physical exam is important and why you should schedule one annually.

What is a physical exam?

A physical exam is a routine appointment a patient usually has with their primary care provider to assess the general state of their health. During this appointment, the doctor will perform a physical exam, check a person's vital signs, and discuss any current or upcoming health concerns. During the exam, the doctor will usually listen to your heart and lungs and feel the abdomen or other body parts for any unusual masses or irregularities. Depending on the patient's needs and current health status, the doctor may order other tests and scans, such as blood panels, urinalysis, or radiography scans.

The typical adult should have a physical exam once a year. Physical exams are important for everyone but especially adults over 50. Also, those with certain health conditions may need to check in with their doctor more frequently.

Benefits of routine physical exams

Many health problems begin and develop long before a patient notices them. However, during a yearly physical exam, a doctor can look for signs of trouble by talking to the patient, performing the exam, and ordering certain tests. If the doctor finds an issue, treatment can start sooner rather than later. Early intervention is key to the successful treatment of disease.

However, there are other ways in which regular physical exams can improve your health. A physical exam allows the patient to speak up and ask questions about anything bothering them, from their weight and general energy level to any pains or discomforts they cannot explain. The doctor can order additional tests to look into these concerns.

A physical exam is a prime opportunity for patients to increase their health IQ. Primary care providers are knowledgeable people with a broad range of health information. This knowledge makes them an invaluable resource for patients looking to optimize their health. In addition, your primary care provider can look at your current health situation and help you to improve on that so you can be your best self.

Also, a primary care provider can help patients separate facts from fiction regarding health advice. So many diets and other health fads are on the market, but not all of them work, and some can be harmful. A primary care provider can guide you to what works and what does not. Your routine physical exam is a good opportunity to ask your doctor about exercise and diet plans and get their feedback.

Invest in your health

If you are not getting regular physical exams, you could miss out on an opportunity to optimize your health. In addition, your doctor can catch emerging conditions so you can start treatment immediately and save yourself the worry and uncertainty of symptoms or questions you may have. So, if it has been a while, call and ask about a physical exam. We want you to feel your best.

Request an appointment here: or call South Florida Doctors Group at (954) 905-2432 for an appointment in our Pembroke Pines office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Physical Exam in Pembroke Pines, FL.

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